Unitary designs are widely used in quantum computation, but in many practical settings it suffices to construct a diagonal state design generated with unitary gates diagonal in the computational basis. In this work, we introduce a simple and efficient diagonal state design based on real-time evolutions. Our construction is inspired by the classical Girard-Hutchinson trace estimator in that it involves the stochastic preparation of random-phase states. Although the exact Girard-Hutchinson states are not tractably implementable on a quantum computer, we can construct states that match the statistical moments of the Girard-Hutchinson states with real-time evolution. Importantly, our random states are all generated using the same Hamiltonians for real-time evolution, with the randomness arising solely from stochastic variations in the durations of the evolutions. In this sense, the circuit is fully reconfigurable and thus suited for near-term realizations on both digital and analog platforms.