QCLAB++: Simulating Quantum Circuits on GPUs

Speedup factor of GPU versus CPU simulation of a Hamiltonian evolution circuit.


We introduce qclab++, a light-weight, fully-templated C++ package for GPU-accelerated quantum circuit simulations. The code offers a high degree of portability as it has no external dependencies and the GPU kernels are generated through OpenMP offloading. qclab++ is designed for performance and numerical stability through highly optimized gate simulation algorithms for 1-qubit, controlled 1-qubit, and 2-qubit gates. Furthermore, we also introduce qclab, a quantum circuit toolbox for Matlab with a syntax that mimics qclab++. This provides users the flexibility and ease of use of a scripting language like Matlab for studying their quantum algorithms, while offering high-performance GPU acceleration when required. As such, the qclab++ library offers a unique combination of features. We compare the CPU simulator in qclab++ with the GPU kernels generated by OpenMP and observe a speedup of over 40×. Furthermore, we also compare qclab++ to other circuit simulation packages, such as cirq-qsim and qibo, in a series of benchmarks conducted on NERSC’s Perlmutter system and illustrate its competitiveness.

Daan Camps
Daan Camps
Researcher in Advanced Technologies Group

My research interests include quantum algorithms, numerical linear algebra, tensor factorization methods and machine learning. I’m particularly interested in studying the interface between HPC and quantum computing.
